Open donation 🌟 Let's make the forest lively and vibant‌


General Association 森を守るクリスマスリヌス協䌚

Open donation   🌟         Let's make the forest lively and vibant‌ Image

Sasuke & Kyara williams

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/ ¥50,000

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In the Old Testament, Genesis Chapter 1, it is written that the heavens and the earth were created in seven days.

Day 1: Light, day, night

Day 2: Sky

Day 3: Earth, sea, plants

Day 4: Sun, moon, stars

Day 5: Fish, birds

Day 6: animals and mankind

And on the seventh day, God rested.

In the creation of the heavens and the earth, man was created on the sixth day.

Why was he created last? That is where we can find the answer to why we were born.

God said,

'Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it. And have dominion over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves on the earth.'" (Genesis 1:28)

Humans were created in God's image, and placed as rulers over all creation as David said in Psalm 8:6 “You made [mankind] rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet” But this does not mean that we have the right to selfishly use and abuse the earth we live in.

It was necessary for all created things to be prepared before mankind because these are necessary for our survival. In other words, man can only live if everything else, such as the sun, water, plants, and other animals, exists.

Man cannot live alone.

If we abuse the creation we are not being good caretakers or rulers. Ruling over does not mean in a selfish way, but in a protective and caring way. The true meaning of the words "rule" and "subjugate" is "protect" and "cherish."

If we continue to go along as we please without caring for the earth as we do today, humankind will not be able to survive. Humans, by their very nature, cannot survive without help.

Acknowledging this truth should inspire us to honor the Creator through our actions, showing respect for the natural world by caring for and protecting it.

Trees and plants enrich our lives in countless ways. Caring for creation is an expression of gratitude and service to God and the natural world He created. Our mission is to pass on the blessings we have received to future generations, preserving what has been handed down to us. This, I believe, is our calling.


1日目: 光、昌、倜

2日目: 空倩

3日目: 倧地、海、怍物

4日目: 倪陜、月、星

5日目: 魚、鳥

6日目: 獣ず家畜、人間


人類は第6日目、぀たり創造の最埌の日に造られたした。なぜ人間は最埌に創造されたのでしょうか これが私たちの存圚の目的を理解する手がかりずなりたす。












The campaign supported by Sasuke & Kyara williams

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Representative:恒吉 牧子

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