大鹿春花のBDドネーション:勝手に命の期限をつけられた犬たちの為に My First BD Donation for Dogs Whose Life Expectancy Is Decided by Humans





大鹿春花のBDドネーション:勝手に命の期限をつけられた犬たちの為に My First BD Donation for Dogs Whose Life Expectancy Is Decided by Humans Image
Birthday Ribbon Image


Total Amount


/ ¥50,000

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  • Finished on

This campaign has finished.


In Japan, it is still common to buy pets at pet shops, and pet shops always have puppies and kittens, which means that they get rid of dogs and cats that could not be sold when they are young. Moreover, because pet shops sell animals to anyone that can pay, many dogs, cats and other pets are often abandoned by irresponsible humans. These abandoned animals go to a public health center, and when no one visits the health center to adopt them during a certain period, they get killed. I'd like to support Happiness DOG, a non-profit organization protecting doggos that lost a place to live. You can donate from 500 yen (≒$5)!


※ 寄付金は決済にかかる手数料と利用料を除いた全額が団体へ寄付されます。
I'd like to do a birthday donation this year. I picked the charity really carefully, and you can donate from around 5 bucks!

■ 私がバースデードネーションに参加しようと思った経緯 -The Reason Why I Engage in Birthday Donation-




When I was washing dishes a few days ago, I just thought it would be good to do a birthday donation for animal protection. I've been interested in animal protection probably because I have a dog, whose name is Mahalo. Recently, I learned the terrible reality of dogs at the pet shops that are forced to give birth repeatedly. Their cage size is not big enough for them to stand up, and female dogs are likely to have many stitches on their bellies. Even when they get sick, they usually cannot get any medical help. Mahalo comes from a pet shop as well. When I did not know about the cruel environment, I even imagined that Mahalo's parents are having a good life like energetically running on the grounds, which does not seem the case.

Mahalo has had several surgeries and some occasions of almost dying. Every time, she could get proper medical treatments, but unfortunately, it is not that normal. There are people who abandon their pets because they cannot afford the medical costs. Therefore, I believe that financial support is important for volunteering groups or other non-profit organizations. Taking care of animals cannot be done only with kindness but with appropriate resources.

■ 私とはぴねすDOGさんとの繋がり -My Connection with Happiness DOG-


I don't have any special connections with this charity, and choosing one charity was the most difficult part because choosing one means not choosing the others. However, I concluded that Happiness DOG is most appropriate for this time considering the points below.

■ 私がはぴねすDOGさんを選んだ理由 -How I Chose Happiness DOG-


① 明確な収支報告:当たり前ですが、収支報告を怠っている団体は取り除き、各団体・各年の収支報告に目を通しました。人件費や動物の世話に使われる費用、里親探しにかかる費用などの内訳がおかしくないか確認しました。はぴねすDOGさんの収支報告はHPの過去の記事を「会計」等と調べると2017年以前のものが見られ、2017年以降のものは“NPOの会計基準に準拠した財務諸表”が「私たちの活動」欄で見られます。

② コンスタントな活動:これが一番気になっていた項目でもありました。善意で始まったボランティア活動が、資金のやりくりなどが上手くいかず、結果的に保護団体崩壊してたくさんの動物が行き場をなくすことは稀ではありません。最悪、腐敗した保護施設で何十匹と死体が確認されるケースもあります。むやみやたらに保護をするのではなく、現実を見据えた活動を長くしている場所に寄付をしようと思いました。はぴねすDOGさんは2010年に個人で活動を始められ、2013年からは毎年30匹以上の譲渡実績(保護された後に里親が見つかるケース)を誇っています。また、はぴねすDOGさんは一般家庭で保護犬を預かっているため、それぞれの預かり家庭では常に保護犬が2匹を超えないよう、多頭飼育崩壊を避けるための対策をされています。

③ 活動の透明性・活動内容:動物愛護団体の中には、動物愛護を掲げれば何をしてもいいと思っているテロリスト的な団体や、過度な(非現実的な)活動家なども見られます。何をしているのか外部に発信をしていることは寄付をする上で重要だと思いました。はぴねすDOGさんのホームページでは2015年からコンスタントに保護犬ブログが更新されています。またインスタグラムも頻繁に更新されています。他の同業種の方々との連携がしっかりしているかや業種間で悪い評判がないかどうかも調べました。候補だった団体の中には、動物のストレスになるような活動をしているところや、ブログ等で過激な文章が目立つところがあり、候補から外しました。

④ 保護している犬の犬種やの偏り:気をつけなければならないのは、動物愛護団体と名乗っていながら、繁殖をしブリーダーやペットショップと同じことをしている団体です。他にも、可愛い犬やブランド犬だけを保護している団体は私の思いと異なるため、ミックス犬・病気を持っている犬・年を取った犬も受け入れられているか、ブログやインスタグラムで確認しました。寄付金を募るために、可哀想な犬や可愛い犬の里親探しをせずに施設に置き続け、広告として使っていないかという点も、できる範囲で確認しました。少しでも怪しいと思った団体は候補から外しました。

  1. How they spend money: I checked statements of incomes and expenses for a few years for each organization. I paid attention to the balance between labor costs and costs taken for dogs and other minor details.

  2. How long they are working on this: There are so many volunteering groups that cannot continue for long sometimes because they lose motivation in the middle, other times because they are bad at managing money. When they break up, animals have to pay for it. In the worst case, many dead bodies get found at a place that used to be an animal shelter. Thus, I chose the charity that faces the reality and constantly does what they can do. Happiness DOG started the activity of protecting dogs in 2010, and it has found a new family for more than 30 dogs annually since 2013.

  3. What they are doing: Some organizations do not publicly show their activities, and others engage in wrongdoing, hiding in disguised animal protectionism. I made sure that Happiness DOG is nothing like these organizations. I checked blogs, Instagrams, Facebook, and other platforms to see if there is any weird point for each charity, I got rid of those I could be suspicious of even slightly.

  4. If they do not pick certain types of dogs: Some evil organizations pick only cute and young dogs or dogs with brands like retriever from a public health center because their primary purpose is gaining money. I checked if the organization protects mixed breed dogs, dogs with diseases, and old dogs.

■ 寄付金の使いみち -How Your Money Will Be Used-





I had no idea what amount I should set for my goal, so I just put around $300, which enables a female dog to practice contraception.

1000yen (≒$10): otitis externa treatment / heartworm preventive drug (for a small dog) / meals for 5 days

2000yen (≒$20): heartworm preventive drug (for a large dog)

3000yen (≒$30): heartworm examination

5000yen (≒$50): blood test / meals for 15 days + medicine

7000yen (≒$70): vaccine

10000yen (≒$100): tumor pathology survey / meals for 15 days + medicine + vaccine

20000yen (≒$200): castration

30000yen (≒$300): contraception

It usually costs around $500 for a dog to find a new family.





Representative:間柴 泰子

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