脇本 泰志
障害を持つ子どもたちの「個別療育 • 集団療育 • 運動療育 • 学習療育• ソーシャルスキルトレーニング(SST)」の充足
Finished on Jan/27/24
脇本 泰志
Finished on Jan/27/24
脇本 泰志
Finished on Jan/14/24
This is a fundraising campaign to collect donations for organizations. Anyone can collect donations for an organization as a birthday gift, a wedding, a birth, a new job, or as a way to show support for a new start or a new challenge.
Anyone can easily create a campaign page to collect donations. If you volunteer or donate, but would like to help in other ways, or if you would like to help but donate, why not start?