Issues we are working on

Social issues that we tackle
I wish that children be sound and healthy.
And I would like for each child to develop
his or her own unique talents or abilities.
—Chihiro Iwasaki
子どもの幸せを願って、終生、子どもを描きつづけた画家・いわさきちひろ。自らも戦争体験を持つちひろは、「世界中のこども みんなに平和としあわせを」ということばを残しました。ちひろ美術館の課題は、絵本の文化を通じて、子どものしあわせと平和が大切と思える心を育み、その実現に寄与すること。
Chihiro Iwasaki was an artist who wished for the happiness of children and never ceased painting and illustrating children throughout her life. Chihiro, who herself experienced war in her youth, expressed her strong wish for “peace and happiness for all the children of the world.” The Chihiro Art Museum’s mission is to contribute to furthering appreciation for the importance and realization of children’s happiness and peace through the culture of picture books.
We are working toward a tomorrow in which all children can live healthy lives, learn, play, enjoy rich culture, enhance their imagination and creativity, and envision a future free of war and conflict.
理事長・館長のごあいさつ →
公益財団法人いわさきちひろ記念事業団沿革 →
Chihiro Iwasaki Memorial Foundation →
図版:いわさきちひろ ランドセルをしょって歩く一年生 1966年
Chihiro Iwasaki, First Graders with Satchels Walking in Single File, 1966
Why we are tackling this issue

Why we tackle these social issues
I love everything that is peaceful, rich, beautiful and pretty, which is why I become extremely angry at forces that try to destroy these things.
—Chihiro Iwasaki
Children today face a range of serious problems. Some live in such harsh conditions that the mere thought of enjoying a picture book is nothing more than a dream, and there are many whose lives are literally at stake. Although Japan may appear peaceful, many of the country’s children are exposed to various forms of violence. In addition, child poverty afflicts children in ways that are not easily noticeable.
In recent years, we at the Chihiro Art Museum have been focusing our energies on the “First Museum Movement.” Through this initiative, we learned how babies in their first year can appreciate and enjoy pictures. And such experiences serve to nurture not only babies, but also their parents as well.
Over the long run, a healthy and hygienic living environment combined with rich cultural experiences nurtures a zest for living in children. Today, when the ideal that “all people shall have the right to maintain the minimum standards of wholesome and cultured living” (Article 25, the Constitution of Japan) is at risk, our endeavor only gains in significance.
図版左から:ちひろ美術館・東京 「ちひろの庭」 撮影:嶋本麻利沙 / 安曇野ちひろ美術館
From left: Chihiro Art Museum Tokyo (photo by Marisa Hashimoto), Chihiro Art Museum Azumino
How donations are used

How your donations are put to use
Your donations will be used for the following activities.
- The organizing and holding of exhibitions of picture book originals or their reproductions and lectures at the Chihiro Art Museum (Tokyo and Azumino) and other museums in Japan and abroad
- The collection, preservation, study and research of original picture book illustrations and related materials that are at risk of becoming scattered and lost
- The holding of educational programs (including online activities) related to picture books, such as watercolor painting workshops, guided museum tours, and visiting lectures at schools
- Activities to promote picture books, such as storytelling sessions and collaborative exhibitions at hospitals and with local groups
- International exchange programs (including online activities) related to picture books, including holding exhibitions and lectures overseas
- Support activities related to picture books, such as providing research and creative support to picture book researchers and artists, providing explanations to audiences, and partnering with childcare support groups
Some of our recent activities
・<企画展>ショーン・タンの世界展 どこでもないどこかへ(2019年)
・日本の絵本の歩み―絵巻から現代の絵本まで 展(2017年)*国会図書館国際子ども図書館との共催
・<開館40周年記念>奈良美智がつくる茂田井武展 夢の旅人(2017年)
・村上春樹とイラストレーター ―佐々木マキ、大橋歩、和田誠、安西水丸―(2016年)
Exhibition of picture book original artwork
- Project Exhibition: The World of Shaun Tan: Welcome to Nowhere (2019)
- Exhibition Series: Life—The 100th Anniversary of Chihiro Iwasaki’s Birth (2018)
- 童‧樂─岩崎知弘經典插畫展 (First exhibition of Chihiro Iwasaki original artwork held in an Asian country outside of Japan) at National Museum of History, Taiwan (2017)
- In Commemoration of the Museum's 40th Anniversary: Takeshi Motai the Dream Traveler, by Yoshitomo Nara (2017)
- In Commemoration of the Museum's 40th Anniversary: The 100-Year History of Japanese Picture Books (2017)
- Haruki Murakami and Illustrators: Maki Sasaki, Ayumi Oohashi, Makoto Wada and Mizumaru Anzai (2016)
Collection, preservation, and study of picture book originals and related materials
- New archives of the works (Piezographs and reproductions) of Chihiro Iwasaki and International Collection artists
- Digital guide to Chihiro Iwasaki’s works and Chihiro Art Museum activities in 7 languages (2019)
- Creation of the Chihiro Iwasaki Collection Catalogue (2018)
・親子で楽しむ文化講座 ファーストミュージアムデー、あかちゃん・子どものための鑑賞会
・開館40年・20年記念 対談 高畑勲×奈良美智 (2017年)
Educational programs on picture books
- Cultural programs for families: First Museum Day, guided tours for babies and kids
- Volunteer junior high school students’ activities: Chihiro’s Watercolor Workshop, guided tours, storytelling sessions
- In Commemoration of the 40th & 20th Anniversary: Talk event featuring Isao Takahata and Yoshitomo Nara (2017)
Activities to promote picture books
- Peace panel exhibition
- Seasonal in-hospital exhibitions (Tokyo Women’s Medical University Hospital, St. Luke’s International Hospital, Nagano Children’s Hospital, etc.)
Picture book-related international exchange activities
- Multilingualization of Museum information, signage, and official website
- Exhibition of Chihiro Iwasaki and picture book artists from Japan, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia (2018)
- Exhibitions: “History of Japanese Pictures” and “Country of Focus: Japan,” Asian Festival of Children’s Content (2016)
活動の詳細は、ちひろ美術館公式ホームページをご覧ください。 →
We sincerely hope that you will become a member and continue to support the Chihiro Art Museum’s activities.
For more information about the Chihiro Art Museum and our activities, please visit our official website:
From left: Field trip of second graders from Omachi Minami Elementary School (Chihiro Art Museum Azumino, 2018), Guided tour for kids (Chihiro Art Museum Tokyo, 2019)