認定NPO法人地球市民の会へのバースデードネーション - ミャンマー・シャン州の高校生への奨学金支援/ Birthday donation to a certified NPO, Terra People Association - Scholarships for high school students in the Shan state in Myanmar


Certified NPO 地球市民の会



Kohei Nakayama

Total Amount


/ ¥60,000

  • Total Amount


  • Total Donors


  • Remains


  • Starting on

    Apr. 12, 2020

  • Finished on

    Apr. 28, 2020

This campaign has finished.


(Please scroll down for the English version)

認定NPO法人地球市民の会へのバースデードネーション -ミャンマー・シャン州の高校生への奨学金支援




もし下記している1.「なぜ教育が重要か」、2. 「なぜミャンマーか」、3. なぜ「地球市民の会」かうちのどれか1つにでも 共感いただければこのバースデードネーションに参画して頂ければ幸甚です。


※ 寄付金は決済手数料を除いて全額団体に寄付されます。また、認定NPO法人への寄付は寄付金控除の対象です。認定NPO法人の規定により、寄付者名簿を提出しております。差し支えなければフルネームでのご寄付をお願いします。

1. なぜ教育が重要か





2.       なぜミャンマーか

(1)    アジア人の一員



(2)    軍事政権から民主政権への変革期


3. なぜ地球市民の会*か




1988年 - サントリー地域文化賞

1989年 - 国際交流基金地域交流振興賞

1994年 - 佐賀県県政功労者賞

1996年 - 厚生大臣表彰

1996年 - 自治大臣表彰

2000年 - 外務大臣表彰

2002年 - 西日本国際財団アジア貢献賞

2006年 - 文部科学大臣奨励賞

4. 最後に

僕が以前読んだ本「Who rules the world 」で、ノームチョムスキーが、「“Who rules the world?” we might also want to pose another question: “What principles and values rule the world?” That question should be foremost in the minds of the citizens of the rich and powerful states, who enjoy an unusual legacy of freedom, privilege, and opportunity thanks to the struggles of those who came before them, and who now face fateful choices as to how to respond to challenges of great human import.」と言っていて、この言葉の意味を自分で色々熟慮していきたいと思い、またこの文面を読んでいただいてる皆様にもこの意味をぜひ一緒に考えて頂きたいと思っています。



Birthday donation to a certified NPO, Terra People Association - Scholarships for high school students in the Shan state in Myanmar

Thank you for taking your precious time to read this. Birthday donation is a campaign to collect contributions instead of getting birthday gifts.

For this year's my birthday, please let me ask you a favor; I would like you to contribute to a certified NPO I support.

The collected contributions will be used for scholarships for high school students in the Shan state in Myanmar.

If you agree, at least on one of my thoughts below(1. Why education is important? 2. Why Maynmar? and 3. Why this NPO?), it would be highly appreciated if you could go to the button, "「支援する」" below, and contribute to this birthday donation (You can contribute if you have credit cards). You can donate from 500 Japanese Yen (Around 4 USD/ 3.5 EUR).

※ All contributions except for some interchange fees will be donated to this NPO

1.       Why education is important?

Education, I strongly believe, is a necessary tool to cultivate the ability to ponder, and people’s reactions toward the current corona pandemic helped me to confirm that thought.

It seems to me that many people just take what they see or hear for granted, and they just share what others say on Twitter or other similar SNS without thinking deeply. I assume that people do not go for “necessary things” if they, at least, give it a try to seek for what is the truth.

It goes without saying that knowledge is a prerequisite for pondering and I am sure that, the deeper knowledge we gain, the more deeply we can think. Then, in order to get a profound knowledge, I believe that the well- established educational system cannot be avoided.

Some people might say that the knowledge can be obtained from anywhere in this digitalized world, but they have to understand that this thought is based on their stereotype that it is always available to have the access to the information infrastructure wise and they can get the information in their mother tongue, both of which are not always the case for sure as we can “easily” imagine. I would recommend that people who have this kind of way of thinking take time to figure out how biased their thoughts are by their stereotypes.

2.       Why Myanmar

(1)    As an Asian

I am Japanese, but at the same time, I am an Asian living in a country where people have the freedom of speech, and therefore, I have a responsibility to take actions for other Asian in need

(2)    The final stage of Myanmar's path to democracy

Myanmar currently moves toward the final stage of its path to democracy and to what extent it can flourish as a county in the future might be dependent on what kind of actions it will be taking over the next years. I strongly believe that it is always people who are needed most in this phase, and in order to give rise to someone who can bring about significant changes, the appropriate environment should be organized, through which as many kids as possible are exposed to the opportunities to gain knowledge.

3.       Why This NPO- Terra People Association?

First, I worked for this NPO as an intern before and know people very well, and this NPO is certified by the Japanese government. Therefore, this NPO is reliable.

Second, I have already contributed to their activities regarding scholarships, and luckily enough, I could support several students by burdening their tuitions. One of the Thai kids I supported sent me a letter, and he quoted some lines from Shakespeare. I was so moved by that and realized how important it is to give a chance to get an education.

Last but least, this NPO is based in my hometown, and people in this organization are so enthusiastic to vitalize my not- so- famous- even- in- Japan hometown.

* Terra People Association

Terra People Association is a certified NPO based on Saga, Japan.  The organization is not linked to any specific religious/ political organizations. They are active not only domestically but also internationally (Thai, Myanmar, Sri Lanka).

4.       Others

Norm Chomsky, in his book, “Who rules the world”, said “Who rules the world?” we might also want to pose another question: “What principles and values rule the world?” That question should be foremost in the minds of the citizens of the rich and powerful states, who enjoy an unusual legacy of freedom, privilege, and opportunity thanks to the struggles of those who came before them, and who now face fateful choices as to how to respond to challenges of great human import”. I think this is what we have to face right now, and need to think about what it means to us.

Thank you!

Kohei Nakayama





Representative:理事長 山口久臣

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