Risa's Birthday Donation: 尊い命を不衛生な水によって失われることがないように


Certified NPO ウォーターエイドジャパン




Total Amount


/ ¥5,000

  • Total Amount


  • Total Donors


  • Remains


  • Starting on

    Dec. 2, 2019

  • Finished on

    Dec. 13, 2019

This campaign has finished.


-English below-


■ 私と認定NPO法人Water Aid Japanのつながり

誕生日プレゼントに自分の欲しいものがあまり思い浮かばなかったのです。今自分があるもので十分だったので。ふと何か寄付できないかなと思いいろいろ調べて、「認定NPO法人Water Aid Japan」のウェブサイトにたどり着きました。

■ 私が認定NPO法人Water Aid Japanのために寄付を集めようと思ったきっかけ


■ 寄付金の使いみち

毎日死ぬかもしれないとわかっていても、不衛生な水を飲むしかない生活を変えていくために、認定NPO法人Water Aid Japanに、いただいた寄付金が額寄付されます。寄付した後に、その団体からお礼のメールが届きます。そこでご確認ください。当たり前にきれいな水で生きてきた私たちで、「これからも生きていく希望」を生み出していきましょう。






I, Risa will become 21 years old on December 11th. I went to USA to share the Gospel as a volunteer - I was a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for 18 months. I did missionary work thinking about the people who I had met everyday without thinking about my family, friends, or my country. Before my mission, I loved to use my phone or to do something that was good for me. But I had learned during the missionary life which requires to focus on other people not on myself that I can live without my phone or without doing something that is good for me. For 18 months, I had loved to receive "the love from the people" and to share "the love to the people" which are more importance than the phone or the things were good for me.

■ My connection with an authorized nonprofit organization-Water Aid Japan

It didn't come to my mind what I want for my birthday presents. I had researched websites to donate something because I am enough with things I have now. Then I found the site of "an authorized nonprofit organization - Water Aid Japan" which is an organization aim to improve water and sanitary situation all around the world.

■ Why I ask you to donate to the authorized nonprofit organization-Water Aid Japan

When I read the news on the website of the authorized nonprofit organization- Water Aid Japan, I learned that a little child dead because of [dirty water] not because of conflict of the country nor an infectious disease. Should I keep having a good life by drinking pure water even the people can't drink pure water....? No, I shouldn't. I should help them to have a pure water by donation. I have decided to ask you to donate for them so that they can live by pure water.

■ Your donation will be used for...

Your all donation will be donated to the authorized nonprofit organization-Water Aid Japan to change the people's life of drinking dirty water everyday even if they know they may die by it. After you donated, you will receive an email from the authorized nonprofit organization-Water Aid Japan. Let us who drink pure water normally give HOPE to live for them.

The love which you always give me can save the live of people.

Thank you for reading my poor english, and your cooperation will be very very much appreciated.

*If you are careful about entering your personal information, please refrain from that.


Certified NPO



東京都墨田区亀沢2-12-11PAX21 301号



Representative:理事長 古米弘明

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