分断を乗り越えようとするアメリカの人々から学びたい。 4日間開催される社会変革のカンファレンスに参加するために、よーいちを応援してください!


NPO Wake Up Japan

Yoichi Suzuki

Total Amount


/ ¥300,000

  • Total Amount


  • Total Donors


  • Remains


  • Starting on

    Jan. 31, 2024

  • Finished on

    Feb. 27, 2024

This campaign has finished.

The English text follows the Japanese text.

But if you just want to donate, please click following link.


私、鈴木洋一(ようよぅ)がアメリカ合衆国テキサス州で2月22日〜25日に渡って開催されるIMPACT National Conference(以後IMPACT)に参加するための資金をクラウドファンディングで募集します。(渡米期間は2月21日〜27日)











Wake Up Japanの鈴木洋一です。

社会変革のカンファレンス“IMPACT National Conference”とは?


IMPACT National Conference(略してIMPACT)とは、アメリカで30年以上開催されている若者、大学教職員、NPOによるカンファレンスです。




  • 休学の過ごし方: パンデミック後の奉仕活動についての対話

  • 選挙と投票についての熟議的対話(Deliberative Dialogue)

  • 歓迎文化の創造: 難民学生の再定住におけるキャンパス・コミュニティの役割

  • 学生の心だけでなく体も養う

  • 学生が学生を導く:変化に火をつけ、地域社会に力を与える

  • 学生社会奉仕雇用プログラムについての対話



  • ストーリーテリングと社会変革

  • ボランティアと燃え尽き症候群への対応

  • 宗教間対話

  • 大統領選挙をどう世界を変えることにつなげていくか

  • Black Lives Matterによるセルフケア

  • コミュニティ・オーガナイジング

  • 気候変動に向けた若者の取り組み

  • フェアトレード

















Wake Up Japanではそうした経験をもとに、アイデンティティや安心の場づくり、ストーリーテリングなどの手法を学び、その経験をもとに教材化を行ってきました。






  • 日時:3月5日(火)21:00-22:00

  • 実施方法:オンライン


若者の社会参加、シティズンシップ教育やキャンペーン、コミュニティ・オーガナイジング、社会変革論などを主な活動分野としています。一人ひとりが自分自身の可能性を認識する意識変容の機会、社会問題やそこに生きる人々の声に耳を傾ける機会、そして多様な人々が話し合い協働できる場を提供したいと考え、2016年にWake Up Japanを設立しました。

2009年:国際NGO オックスファムにて、青少年及びムーブメントづくりに従事。
2014年:PowerShift Japan創設
2016年:Wake Up Japanを立ち上げる
2017年:国際NGO フリー・ザ・チルドレンにて、ユースエンゲージメント・アドバイザーに就任

NPO法人Wake Up Japanの紹介

NPO法人Wake Up Japanは2016年に設立された社会教育団体です。







  • 航空券代:約18万円

  • イベント参加費:約3万円

  • 宿泊費:約5万円

  • 米国国内の移動:約3万円

  • wifi等:約1万円

  • 食費:4万円



また、Syncable経由ではなく、直接Wake Up Japanにお振り込みいただく形でもご寄付を受け付けています。その場合は下記の振込先までお振り込みください。


  • 銀行名:ゆうちょ銀行

  • 店名:〇九八

  • 種目:普通

  • 番号:3586758

  • 名義:ウェイクアップ・ジャパン

入金後はお手数ですが、メールにて、 以下5点についてWUJまでご連絡ください。

  1. お名前

  2. ご住所

  3. お振込時のお名前

  4. 金額

  5. お振込日


English Text


Hi there, this is Yoichi Suzuki. I’m seeking crowdfunding to fund my participation in the IMPACT National Conference (IMPACT) to be held in Texas, USA from February 22 to 25.
Each time I travel to the U.S., I am able to bring back new ideas for teaching materials and workshops. This helps u improve our dialogue skills and facilitation, and makes our awareness-raising activities in Japan more fulfilling.
However, because I travel to the U.S. entirely out of pocket and because I earn my living through civic activities, I always have to cut back on expenses. With the rising cost of living, I have had to cut back even more this time, and my identity as a plump person is in jeopardy.
We would like to balance this with a more humane lifestyle, so I’m crowdfunding with a goal of 300,000 yen(about 2000USD), which includes participation and accommodation expenses.
We would appreciate your support.

Outline of Crowdfunding

  • Goal: 300,000 yen(about 2000USD)

  • Crowdfunding period: 1st Feb-27th Feb

  • Donation use: Participation and travel expenses

If you would like to make a donation by bank transfer, please transfer the amount to the bank account at the bottom of this page.

What’s IMPACT?

The IMPACT Conference is historically the largest annual conference focused on the civic engagement of college students in community service, service-learning, community-based research, advocacy and other forms of social action. Building on the rich 32-year tradition of the COOL Conference and the Idealist Campus Conference, IMPACT is the one time during the year when students, administrators, faculty, AmeriCorps members and VISTAs, and nonprofit professionals gather together to learn and share effective practices, improve personal skills and organizational strategies, discover opportunities and resources, exchange stories, be inspired and challenged to sustain our efforts.


The Topic on IMPACT Conference this year

  • Navigating a New Era of Alternative Breaks: A Conversation on Service Post-Pandemic

  • A Deliberative Dialogue about Elections and Voting

  • Creating a Culture of Welcome: The Role of Campus Communities in Resettling Refugee Students

  • Feeding Student Bodies, Not Just Their Minds

  • Students Leading Students: Igniting Change, Empowering Communities

  • A Conversation on Student Community Service Employment Programs

I want to learn what kind of activities can emerge from within the community and university of caring people facing the division

Leaning how to show our solidarity with a community and university of caring people facing division.
By participating in IMPACT this time, I would like to learn what kind of actions can be taken from within the community and university to address division and conflict, and to gain insight into social awareness-raising activities in Japan.
In previous IMPACT events, I have participated in a number of workshops on community and university outreach before the presidential election, taking advantage of the election period as an opportunity. Since this year's IMPACT will again be held before the presidential election, it is expected that related workshops will be held.

At a previous IMPACT, I found the activity about interfaith. In the workshop, I learned story that a Jewish festival was held on a day when a hate demonstration was scheduled to be held, and a positive festival to celebrate Jewish people and Sexual Minority was held to drown out the voices of hate by Muslim and Hindu students who felt that the hate was not right. The activity was introduced.
Also, efforts for reconciliation in St. Louis, where a person of African American was shot and killed by a police officer in 2014 simply because of his color, including activities to increase creativity toward people of different attributes in society through a panel exhibition displaying stories of various residents, including police officers, who live in the community. It was introduced to the public.

There are many absurdities in the U.S. as well, but there are many people who face such realities and take action to solve these problems. I would like to introduce the power of these people to the people of Japan.

My experience about IMPACT and what I have learned so far

I participated for the first time in 2015 after being recommended by a local youth activist I met during a Oxfam’s training for students in Boston, the United States. Since then, I have participated every year before the COVID-19 Pandemic. This time, I will participate for the first time in a long time because the entry conditions were relaxed after the Pandemic.

In the six times I have participated in IMPACT, I have had the opportunity to learn about social awareness techniques using storytelling, how to connect elections and social issues to solve problems, and how to hold discussions on topics that divide society in the United States, such as gun control.

IMPACT is managed by students, faculty, staff, and NPOs on an equal footing. This management approach itself provided me with a perspective on how civil society communication should be conducted in Japan.

Most impressed experience about IMPACT is their embody-ness.
IMPACT's approach to embodying its philosophy can also be used as a reference for activities in Japan.
IMPACT 2019 was held in Charlottesville, Virginia. where a hate crime occurred when a car plowed into a line of citizens during a counter-protest against a far-right protest.
According to the IMPACT office, "These divisive incidents were caused by people from the outside. We are holding IMPACT here in Charlottesville to be close to the local community, which promotes coexistence and inclusion. I believe that we have much to learn from the attitude that embodies this philosophy.

Main Use of Donations

Your donation will be used for the following items
Airfare: approximately 180,000 yen (about 1215USD)
Event participation fee: approx. 30,000 yen (about 200USD)
Lodging: approx. 50,000 yen (about 337USD)
Transportation within the U.S.: approx. 30,000 yen (about 200USD)
WIFI, etc.: approx. 10,000 yen (about 67USD)
Food: 40,000 yen (about 270USD)

If you would like to make a donation, please fill out the form at the URL below.






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