【能登半島地震】被災地で活動するケア・看護の「コーディネーター人材」への支援 ご協力のお願い ~Call for Support to Coordinate Care and Nursing Professionals to Ensure Effective Support Delivery in response to the Noto Peninsula Earthquake Disaster, Japan~


NPO 特定非営利活動法人ぐるんとびー/Non-profit organization Grundtvig

【能登半島地震】被災地で活動するケア・看護の「コーディネーター人材」への支援 ご協力のお願い  ~Call for Support to Coordinate Care and Nursing Professionals to Ensure Effective Support Delivery in response to the Noto Peninsula Earthquake Disaster, Japan~ Image


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/ ¥8,000,000

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On January 1st, around 4:10 PM, a significant earthquake originated in the Noto region of Ishikawa Prefecture. Our heartfelt prayers go out for the safety of all those affected.

We are calling for support towards our emergency relief efforts in response to the Noto Peninsula Earthquake and your understanding and cooperation would be highly appreciated.









We are a disaster support team composed of three organizations: Non-profit organization Grundtvig, Orange Medical&Social Services group, and DisasterVolunteer Nurse Group CANNAS. Following the Noto region earthquake on January 1, 2024, there's an urgent need for care, especially for the elderly and disabled.


(写真:被災した輪島市の様子/A scene in the city of Wajima, which was hit by the disaster.)

Our Actions and Challenge:
Currently, there's a shortage of medical and caregiving professionals. 

Responding to this, our joint team began operations in the affected area from January 2, understanding the situation firsthand. Since January 5, registered as Wajima City Disaster Support Medical Organization, we have been recruiting nursing and care professionals from all over Japan.

We have established and are managing "Welfare Shelters" in Wajima City for the affected elderly and disabled. Even a month after the earthquake, many, especially in welfare shelters, are living on the edge, needing specialized care. The risk of infectious diseases at shelters heightens the need for immediate support.

(写真:避難した高齢の方への対応の様子/Asking the elderly for health information.)






The Need for Coordinators:
Nearly a month has passed since the earthquake, but to this date, many are still forced to live in shelters, where the elderly and disabled, in particular, are struggling to get by with the bare minimum of specialized medical care and support. The risk of infectious diseases in these shelters poses a life-threatening situation, making immediate aid essential.

We have received calls from nursing and care professionals across Japan, who are eager to help. 

However, during the Great East Japan Earthquake, despite many professionals showing strong willingness to help, confusion on the ground made it difficult to coordinate efforts effectively. Many were willing to help but didn't know where to go, when, or what kind of support was needed. This lack of coordination delayed crucial assistance.

From this experience, we recognize the need for "Coordinators" to manage the influx of volunteers and align their skills and experience with the needs of the disaster area. These roles involve coordinating care, managing relationships with related organizations, and arranging secondary shelters outside the prefecture. Coordinators require specialized knowledge, care management skills, and negotiation abilities. Currently, our associated corporations are dispatching five such individuals, including back-office support. 

Unfortunately, most grants and subsidies do not cover the personnel costs for coordinators, and our resources are limited.

Without these coordinators, we cannot manage the welfare shelters, arrange relocation for evacuees, or send nursing and care professionals from across the country to where they are needed most.


(写真:運営する福祉避難所で診察の様子/Examination by a doctor.)

【ご寄付のお願い/用途について 】








Request for Donation:

We humbly request for your support. Your donations will enable us to continue coordinating care, managing welfare shelters, and sending professionals to the affected areas.

Activity Details:

Coordinators are responsible for bringing together nationwide care professionals who are willing to help on ground, and aligning them with local needs, ensuring effective support delivery. We have five coordinators stationed locally, planning to continue for three months.

(写真:コーディネーターの活動の様子/Coordinator's management office, pink T-shirt is the uniform)

Use of Donations:
Our immediate fundraising target is 8 million yen (approximately 58,400 USD) for the initial three-month phase of operating the welfare shelters. We recognize that further funds will be needed for ongoing reconstruction and temporary housing beyond this period, but our current focus is on securing this crucial amount.

  • Coordinator salaries and living expenses.

  • Necessary support materials for coordination.

  • Transportation costs for nurses.

  • Back-office personnel costs.



◼︎訪問ボランティアナースの団体 "キャンナス"


2011年3月〜 東日本大震災にて活動。
2014年8月〜 広島土砂災害にて活動。
2016年4月〜 熊本地震にて活動。
2018年7月〜 西日本豪雨災害にて活動。
2019年〜   台風15号19号災害にて活動。
2020年〜 新型コロナウィルス対応において各地へナースを派遣する


2011年に福井県初の複数医師・24時間体制の在宅医療専門クリニック「オレンジホームケアクリニック」を開所。その後医療的ケア児の地域の居場所や訪問看護ステーションを開所、運営。また軽井沢にある診療所「ほっちのロッヂ」が第10回アジア太平洋地域・高齢者ケアイノベーションアワード2022・Social engagement program部門にて日本初・最優秀賞を受賞。また同年には2022年度グッドデザイン賞を受賞しています。


2015年に神奈川県藤沢市にて約230世帯が住むこのUR賃貸住宅には、日本で初めて団地の一室で小規模多機能事業所を開所。その他にも訪問看護ステーション、居宅介護支援事業所、看護小規模多機能事業所を運営。介護や医療を手段とした地域づくりが評価され、アジア太平洋地域の高齢者ケア事業者で優れた業績を上げている企業・団体を表彰する"Asia Pacific Eldercare innovation Awards2020"の最優秀賞、FACILITY OF THE YEAR-AGEING-IN-PLACEに選出されました。





Previous Activities:
DisasterVolunteer Nurse Group CANNAS
have been dedicatedly supporting medical professionals in disaster and critical medical situations, dispatching over 15,000 personnel to various disasters since the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake.

  • Since March 2011: Active in the Great East Japan Earthquake, providing continuous support through nurse dispatch and care services.

  • Since August 2014: Engaged in the Hiroshima Landslide Disaster, offering medical aid and nursing support to those affected.

  • Since April 2016: Involved in the Kumamoto Earthquake response, deploying nurses to assist in medical emergencies and ongoing care needs.

  • Since July 2018: Participated in the Western Japan Flood Disaster relief efforts, providing essential medical support and nursing care to flood victims.

  • Since 2019: Responded to Typhoons No. 15 and 19, delivering critical nursing assistance and medical care in the aftermath of these devastating storms.

  • Since 2020: Actively dispatching nurses to various locations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, addressing urgent medical needs and providing vital health services.

Related Organizations and Companies:

Our current activities involve collaboration with various companies and organizations in addition to our team "CANNAS." Below are the cooperating and affiliated organizations.

We thank you for your warm support and generosity.




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