【TENSONG×PLAS】Ten Persons Ten Colours Project



【TENSONG×PLAS】Ten Persons Ten Colours Project Image


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/ ¥1,000,000

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We have created and distributed a video in collaboration with PLAS (hereafter PLAS), an NGO supporting AIDS orphans, as the fifth part of artist TENSONG's Ten Persond Ten Colours Project.

Together with TENSONG, we are running a donation campaign in the hope that the video will inspire viewers to think about the children left behind in Africa and take a step forward!

Your donation will be used carefully for children in Africa.


Supported by TENSONG!

TENSONG delivers songs that are close to each and every one of us.

We are very happy to have the support of such a wonderful artist like TENSONG.

We, PLAS also want to deliver support that is close to each and every child and mother from poor families in Africa and aim for a society where those children can live a positive life.

Would you like to join us in delivering support to children in Africa?

For donation, please proceed as follows:

  1. Go to " Donate"

  2. Select Credit Card for Payment Method

  3. Select Single for Frequency

  4. Select the amount of money you would like to support for Amount

    (¥1,000=approximately 7.50USD for your reference)

  5. Go to "Next" and input necessary information.

Comments from TENSONG

"We have collaborated with AIDS orphans Support NGO PLAS as the fifth part of the Ten Persons Ten Colours Project. PLAS works mainly in Africa to support AIDS orphans.

We have also decided to donate together with PLAS in the hope that those who have watched the video and become interested in supporting AIDS orphans will be able to take a step forward.

We would very much appreciate your warm support!"

Click here to watch the video →


PLAS works towards a society where orphans and children from poor families left behind in Uganda and Kenya can live positively.

PLAS mainly targets children affected by AIDS and poverty and the poor families who raise them. In the 18 years since our establishment in 2005, PLAS has delivered support to 685 families, and over 3,000 children, and AIDS education to about 27,000 people.

 "I'll never be anything", the child who gave up

“I have dreams of what I want to be in the future, but I don't know how to make them come true"

“I'll never be anything."

The children born into difficult circumstances live in situations where they lost one or both parents to AIDS or are forced to drop out of school due to family poverty. They have few opportunities to meet adults who can be role models and are unable to set dreams and goals for the future.

“How could I communicate with my child?” the parent who struggles

“I had lost hope in my child's future. I didn't know how to plan for my child's secondary education. Even more so in a place like ours where money is tight."

Some parents do not know how to support their children's secondary education because they themselves were born into poor families and dropped out of primary school. Further, the parents struggle to communicate with their children to build a good relationship with them. They are occupied with their daily lives.

Breaking the cycle of poverty

① Livelihood improvement support project

PLAS provides initial investment and training programmes to enable the parents to set up small businesses, such as poultry farming and agricultural businesses, and generate a stable income.

The income generated by the business enables the children to continue attending school.

② Life planning support project

Counsellors trained in the field provide counselling for children and their parents.

<For children>

With the support of counsellors, children are encouraged to look at their dreams for the future and make specific career plans to help them reach their goals.

The sessions include,

■'Career Talks', in which they listen to role models in the community who are active in their professions.

■Reading picture books to younger children

■Volunteer clean-up activities in the community

Through these activities, children can have role models close to them and experience being helpful to others in the community. It also helps children develop higher self-esteem.

<For parents>

Skills and information needed to support children are provided. Those include,

■Communication that encourages growth and development while attending to children's feelings.

■Information for secondary schooling and support for children's studies.

■ How to set up a business, manage incoming and outgoing expenditures and save money.

■Knowledge of sexual and reproductive health and how to communicate this to children

PLAS is working with local partner organisations to encourage children to live positively, including the PLAS Method, a programme that supports mothers and children by combining these two aspects of livelihood and life planning support.

How the donations will be used

All the donations will be used in projects for Uganda and Kenya. For the livelihood improvement projects, the funds will be used for supporting small businesses of poultry farming and agricultural business.

In the life planning support project, the funds will also be used to cover the activities of on-site counsellors who provide counselling to mothers and children.

For further information, please visit our HP : https://ngo.plas-aids.org/en






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