This campaign is for continuing donation.

This campaign is for recurring (monthly) donations. Please note that after the initial donation payment, the payment will automatically be made on the first day of each month at the same amount as the initial donation.



NPO Sharing Caring Culture

子育て中の外国出身者の個性や潜在能力を活かそう!ともに豊かな地域をつくる取り組みを応援するマンスリーサポーターを30名募集します! Image


Total Donors


/ 30

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This campaign has finished.

内部メンバー紹介① Akhilaからのメッセージを紹介します!

2022/10/1 09:00

内部メンバー紹介① Akhilaからのメッセージを紹介します! Main Visual



Hi, I am Akhila from India. I have been living in Japan from last 3years. I like art and crafts, cooking, spending time with my friends and I enjoy life in Japan!

■Sharing Caring Cultureとの出会いや関わり方

SCCに入ったのは、SCCのイベントで講師を務める機会をもらった時でした。段々と自分のスキルを活かして多くのSCCのプロジェクトに貢献できるようになりました。自分の自由時間で関わることができていたのでとても助かりました!SCCの多くのアクティビティは子どもたちと関わることがあるため、交流するチャンスを与えてもらえていました!そして!子どもたちととてもハッピーな時間を過ごすことができて幸運でした! SCCは私にとって、インターナショナルな背景をもつ方々と繋がることができるプラットフォームだと思っています。文化交流のイベントに息子と一緒に参加する機会ももらっていました!


また友人と共にSCCでは「Crafty ME」というイベントをスタートさせ、担当することができました!ここではシンプルな工作などを母親(もちろん父親も)毎月実施しています。「Crafty ME」は、コーヒーなどを飲みながら少し創造性を働かす機会をリフレッシュと脳内整理のために必要だと思い始めました。毎月新しい方にご参加いただきお互いに手伝いながらとても良い時間を過ごしています! SCCは日本での私の多くの親友がいる家族となりました!

I joined SCC, when I got an opportunity to be an SCC event instructor! Gradually, I was able to use my skills for many SCC projects. It helped me a lot to engage my free times! Most of the SCC activities was with kids, so it gave me a chance to interact with them! Oh yes! I was fortunate to have that happy time with children! SCC is a platform for me to connect members with international backgrounds! It also helped me to join cultural events organised by SCC with my son! Being a researcher of Oyaco booklet is one of the milestones in my life in Japan; which helped me to understand the real problems faced by foreigners in Japan, as I am one among them. We tried our best to provide information in the second edition of the Oyaco booklet, which I hope is going to help the foreigners; whom Japan is going to welcome this year! With my friend, I was able to start a club called Crafty ME in SCC, where we do a simple craft with mommies( daddies are welcome too) every month. We started Crafty ME, thinking that we all need a space to chat, have coffee and do something creative to clear our mind and to freshen up! Every month, new people join and we all have a great time supporting each other! Now, SCC has become my family in Japan with many of my best friends in it!



I hope SCC can achieve the donation campaign and give back the community in double; in the form of support and opportunities for those who are in need!

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