2020/9/3 12:29

We, at the Philippine Blind Union have many projects that seek to empower the visually impaired and their families. We believe that despite our disabilities, we can lead normal lives.
We count among our members therapists who offer massage services. Before the pandemic, this was a steady source of income, providing dignity of labor and a means to have and support families and children.
However, with the unprecedented pandemic wreaking havoc on our lives, health and sources of income, our members are finding it very hard to support their families.Whereas before, massage therapists would earn U$8 to 10 dollars a day, in the last few months, this has been reduced to almost nothing.
This was the situation in March until May while the lockdown was imposed. After less restrictive quarantines were put in place, our members are still barely able to survive. There are very few customers seeking massage services for fear of being infected by the virus.
This is further complicated by restrictive lockdowns that make transport almost inaccessible and economic activities severely affected.
Our members have come to rely on food packs from government and private organizations to feed their families. Most of the time, it is not even enough. Hunger has become a daily reality these days.
Firmly believing that we can still help ourselves, we are exploring ways of how to address the challenging situation. We need to find ways by which our members can earn alternative decent livelihood. It is in this connection that we are appealing to the Free the Children Japan.
We would like to seek its support for the free, online short business courses that will equip the displaced visually impaired massage therapists with the necessary skills to undertake alternative income generating livelihood projects.
At the end of these short online courses, the participants will be asked to draw up business plans of their own choosing. PBU together with FTCJ will choose those which are viable, can be funded and monitored.
We are hoping that together we can uplift the living conditions of the visually impaired and their families. With the help of FTCJ, we will hopefully be able to surmount the difficulties posed by the pandemic.
Jose M. Robredo, Jr.
Philippine Blind Union
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