H愛V RED Knot: (NGO-association)
十勝圏 帯広では歯科医はHIV陽性者を診療しない ということは 一般人が歯科でB型肝炎を罹患している
Finished on Sep/15/22
Voluntary Association
ザリーコ(Zary'co)は「男らしさ」「女らしさ」固定概念から開放し「健康な男女が最も生きやすい」社会を目指す。 「患者」のQOLを最も重視し、患者の死生観・思想観・人生観をもっとも尊重する
H愛V RED Knot: (NGO-association)
Finished on Sep/15/22
This is a fundraising campaign to collect donations for organizations. Anyone can collect donations for an organization as a birthday gift, a wedding, a birth, a new job, or as a way to show support for a new start or a new challenge.
Anyone can easily create a campaign page to collect donations. If you volunteer or donate, but would like to help in other ways, or if you would like to help but donate, why not start?
Zary'co Foundations