Issues we are working on

国際カミングアウト・デー(National Coming Out Day)である2020年10月11日(日)に、日本で初めてとなる常設の大型総合LGBTQ+センター『プライドハウス東京レガシー』を、東京都新宿区にオープンしました。
Pride House Tokyo is a cross-sectoral project that involves the collaboration of organizations, individuals, businesses, and embassies. We aimed to use the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games as an opportunity to establish a welcoming space for LGBTQ+ people, raise awareness, host events, and create content relating to diversity.
<Our Mission>
We strive to contribute towards the creation of an equal and thriving society that respects gender and sexual diversity, leaving no one behind.
On October 11, 2020, International Coming Out Day (National Coming Out Day), we opened Japan's first large-scale, comprehensive LGBTQ+ center, Pride House Tokyo Legacy, in Shinjuku, Tokyo.
As of April 2022, 31 organizations and professionals, 21 businesses, 20 embassies and one unified diplomatic mission (the EU), athletes and sports officials, and local governments are collaborating across sectors.
Why we are tackling this issue

セクシャル・マイノリティの若者 (12~34歳) への新型コロナウイルス感染拡大の影響に関する緊急アンケートによると、、
36.4%のユースが、セクシュアリティについて安心して話せる相手や場所とつながれなくなった / にくくなったと回答。(N=881)
- 各地のNPOにリソース分散している ため、大きなインパクトを生み出すことができず、取り組み規模が拡大しにくい構造(各団体は自運営でも手一杯であり、連携を強化することが難しいのも現実)
- まとまった情報にアクセスしようとした場合にも、情報が分散しており、個別のNPOに問合せが行ってしまうなど、ポータル的な情報提供を行う仕組みがない(どのようなニーズがあるのかを把握するのも困難になっている)
- 学びの意欲があっても、地方自治体のソーシャルワーカーやNPO担当者などが、知識や実践スキルを強化する機会や場が限られている。
- NPOやその他活動団体をつなぐ、「場」の形成
- LGBTQ+関連情報の集約・集積・共有
- 地域格差を埋める人材交流・育成・ノウハウ共有
According to an urgent survey on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on sexual minority youth (12~34 years old):
・73.1% of youth have difficulty living with family members or other roommates. (N=1098)
・36.4% of youth reported that they are unable to connect with a person or place where they can safely discuss their gender/sexuality. (N=881)
Due to the pandemic, the number of places LGBTQ+ youth can safely connect has decreased. Difficulty is particularly felt in long-distance relationships between partners, friends, and communities.
Issues Facing LGBTQ+ Support Structures in Japan
- Because resources are dispersed between NPOs in various regions, it is difficult to expand the scale of operations and create a larger impact. (It is also the case that every organization is at capacity with their own operations, making it difficult to direct resources toward inter-organizational cooperation)
- Information is dispersed between individual organizations, making it necessary to contact each NPO individually. There is no portal to share information. (This makes it difficult to identify what needs exist)
- The opportunities for local government social workers and NPO personnel to strengthen their knowledge and practical skills are limited, even if they desire to learn more.
Potential Solutions
- Create a “place” for NPOs and other organizations to connect
- Consolidate, accumulate, and share LGBTQ+ related information
- Facilitate exchanges between personnel, training, and knowledge-sharing to bridge regional gaps
How donations are used

Funds will be used to operate Pride House Tokyo Legacy, Japan's first regularly-operating, large-scale, comprehensive LGBTQ+ center, which opened on Coming Out Day, October 11, 2020.
Pride House Tokyo Legacy strives to be a safe and secure place for LGBTQ+ people, and since opening, we have had over 6000 visitors.
With a variety of free counseling services (suicide prevention, youth support, legal advice), social events (Youth Day, Trans Day, Deaf Day, etc.), and a library holding approximately 2,800 books, Pride House Tokyo is a place to get closer to LGBTQ+ people, and find accurate information about LGBTQ+ issues.
Three years have passed since we opened, and through managing this project, we’ve strongly felt the necessity of having a safe and affirmative community space. Having a center that people can drop into anytime, speak to staff members, and access free counselling services, acts as a safety net for LGBTQ+ people.
However, in order to stabilize our operations, we need about 40 million yen per year, including rent, utilities, and personnel expenses.
For the next three years, from 2023 to 2025, donations will be used to ensure the continuous sustainable operation of Pride House Tokyo Legacy, a safe space for LGBTQ+ people.