Issues we are working on

※English Text Below.
一般社団法人FCNono(以下「FC Nono」)は、インドに根強く残るカースト制度や性差別の中で社会から取り残されている最下層カーストの子ども達や、女の子、障がい者、孤児達にサッカーを指導するソーシャルフットボールチームです。
私達が活動しているインドのビハール州は、インド内でも最貧州に挙げられる地域です。ビハールの子ども達を取り巻く環境では、貧困・栄養失調・性差別・児童労働・人身売買・環境汚染・不衛生・薬物など、様々な問題が存在しています。FC Nonoでは、性別・身分・出身地、及び身体障害などといった、自分では変えることが難しい外的な要因によって将来の選択肢を限定されてしまう全ての子ども達を対象に、毎日のサッカー指導を行い、サッカーの上達経験や他者交流を通じた社会性と「努力は報われる」ことを伝えています。
FC Nono operates in Bihar, one of the most challenged states in India. Here, we are working to build children's developments through our planned daily football activities.
In this region where social caste is still deeply rooted, children of the lowest caste are often segregated and left behind in their society.We practice with girls, disabled, orphans and juvenile camp youths everyday. There are multiple social problems within India surrounding the underprivileged children (poverty, malnutrition, gender discrimination, child labor, human trafficking, environmental pollution, hygiene, name but a few) Through our football activities, FC Nono organize parallel educational and development activities to address some of these issues that the Bihar's children face everyday to empower these youths and improving their livelihoods.
We are grateful with already having numerous professional athletes, artists, universities, companies, and organizations who have agreed, support, and cooperate with us actively in our pursuits, and request more to follow!
活動内容の詳細 (More details about our activities on our HP):
Why we are tackling this issue

※English Text Below.
FC Nonoがインド・ビハールで子ども達をサポートする活動に取り組む理由は、代表の萩原が目の当たりにした現地での子どもたちの状況から受けた衝撃がきっかけでした。
FC Nono代表の萩原は、幼稚園から大学を卒業するまでの19年間、サッカーを続けてきました。恵まれた環境の中で日々大好きなサッカーの練習に励み、家族に支えられ、サッカーを通じて多くの友人や恩師と出会い、自身の成長や夢、目標を追い求め続けることが出来ました。また、サッカーで培った力や能力、姿勢が評価され、満足いく進学先や就職先を選択することが出来、萩原にとって、「努力は報われる」という価値観を実現できる環境・社会は当たり前のものでした。
Realization of a society where efforts are rewarded through football activities
What FC Nono aims for is
"Realization of a society where efforts are rewarded through football activities."
FC Nono is a football team dedicated to tackling social issues that are still yet persistent in India through our football activities for impoverished children, youth prisoners, teens suffering from infantile paralysis(polio), and street children in BodhGaya, India.
Football has always been a part of my life ever since I started from nursery, up until graduating from university. Come to think of it now, I now realize that I had always been fortunate to have been in an environment where I could full-heartedly practice my favorite sport, strongly supported by my family. Football has allowed myself to encounter countless invaluable friendships and coaches along the way.
Football always allowed me to pursue my dreams. It gave space for personal growth, and find my future goals. The abilities and attitudes developed and acquired through the sport always helped me strive forward, and gave me choices in finding my next path whether it be education or career.
The value of “your effort is rightfully rewarded” or “hard work pays off” was a social norm and pursuable in the environment I had grown…and then suddenly when I found myself standing in one of the most impoverished areas in India, I witnessed that such value that we may take for granted just sometimes do not exist for many of the children here, due to their surrounding factors.
If only by coincidence, a child is born in a certain environment, a social status, a gender, even to the very own body that he or she was born into…and from those reasons the child is segregated or neglected from society and stripped from choices for their future, I question myself repeatedly what I can serve for these kids for them to find a healthier and future with hope in front of them.
Drugs, child labor, human trafficking, sexual harassment, poverty is only a tip of an iceberg of the many social issues that interrupt the children’s growth here, but most severe is the environment for the girls who are born into the household of the lowest of the caste system still prevalent here in rural India. These girls are usually set to be married off in a fixed marriage arranged by their parents between their mid teens if not earlier, and are stripped from opportunities outside, let alone playing sports like boys since they are expected to stay home and rarely allowed to go out freely since they are expected to be working the house chores. The situations makes it extremely difficult for these girls to find time to spend educating or preparing themselves for their futures.
In rural India where it is still not yet common for girls to be playing and running freely nor where they are not expected to hold equivalent rights as boys, I believe football comes as a strong tool and potential to improve the gender inequality and rights of these girls.
With appreciation to what I was given, I look to support the children so their efforts pay off instead of getting their future and hope ripped away from their external factors. Through our football activities I wish to make a social change for these children. I ask that anyone who understands the beauty and power of the sport support us through the path of change we are trying to pursue.
Many Thanks,
Nozomu Hagihara, founder of FC Nono
How donations are used

寄付金は、FC Nonoのサッカーを中心に行う活動に必要な人材育成、その他必要な活動資金・運営資金※として使わせていただきます。
The donation will be used as funds for the necessary activity and operations needed for the development of human resources related to the FC Nono's football-focused activities.
Detail:(including, but not limited examples)
Equipment maintenance costs, children's expedition costs, staff transportation costs, local instructor employment costs, educational content and material creation costs, and other funds necessary for the operation of our organization's activities.