小池 潔
【4月7日まで】チャリティークッキー缶キャンペーンを限定開催! 5000円の寄付いただいた方へ返礼品を贈ります
Finished on Apr/8/24
自然、動物、そして人間が調和して生きることができる平和な世界をつくること。 To have a world of peace and live in harmony with nature.
小池 潔
Finished on Apr/8/24
This is a fundraising campaign to collect donations for organizations. Anyone can collect donations for an organization as a birthday gift, a wedding, a birth, a new job, or as a way to show support for a new start or a new challenge.
Anyone can easily create a campaign page to collect donations. If you volunteer or donate, but would like to help in other ways, or if you would like to help but donate, why not start?