Community For Better Life (CFBL) Image
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Voluntary Association

Community For Better Life (CFBL)



Woman Rights




- 難民たちの生活水準が改善し、経済的に自立した生活を送れるようなる。 - 難民の若者たちが自らの能力を最大限に発揮し、革新と活気に満ちた地域社会を実現する。


Issues we are working on

Issues we are working on Image
Issues we are working on Image
Issues we are working on Image

私たち"Community For Better Life (CFBL)"はザレカ難民キャンプに住む住民たち、特に社会的弱者である女性と若者への経済的な自立を支援する組織として活動しています。しかし現在我々は資金的な困難を抱えており、計画されたプロジェクトを実施し、設定された目標を達成するための十分な資金へのアクセスを持っていません。





- 給水にも問題があります。飲用水、トイレ用水が不足は状態的であり、常に衛生環境が劣悪です。


As an organization focused at empowering Refugee women and youths    economically, we don’t have enough access to funding so that we are able to implement our planned projects and achieve the goals set; because of this we usually fail to achieve our annual plans and reach out to all our target beneficiaries.

- Community for better life faces a challenge of having an inadequate office material such as office chairs, camera and banners. We borrow plastic chairs from neighboring house and we are asked to return the chairs when we knock off from the office.

- workers faces a challenge of limited access to stipend or salary which can motivate them, this leads to a low productivity of the Organization.

- We have a challenge of electricity at our building, we charge our laptops from people’s houses which is not safe for our items and our stored data.

- We have problem of water supply at our working site; this always leads to a poor hygiene at our office because we sometimes lack water for mopping, drinking and for toilet use.

Why we are tackling this issue

Why we are tackling this issue Image
Why we are tackling this issue Image
Why we are tackling this issue Image




- We intend to challenge an issue of lack to funding to ensure that our projects propel and sustained to continue bringing an impact in the lives of refugees and the lives of Host community members.

- We challenge an issue of having limited to office materials and media items so that the organization is well marketed to reach out to a big audience and provide a well report to our donors and partners. Office materials are necessary at providing a comfortable working space for workers and bring productivity in the Organization.

- We want to make sure that our office is secured from thieves when they see it is lightening but this is a very big worry to us since there is no electricity and most of our items depends on electricity.

- To promote hygiene for the people we serve and the visitors.

How donations are used

How donations are used Image
How donations are used Image
How donations are used Image




-       私たちは現在、女性と若者に起業家精神と製品製造の職業訓練を行い、彼らが自分自身や他の人々のために革新し、雇用を創出するのに役立つスキルとツールを習得できるようにしています。(2023年3月-2024年3月)

-       私たちは約30人の若者と協力して、健康的な環境をもたらすことを目的としたさまざまな活動を計画しています。これらの若者は私たちの周囲からプラスチックを集め、それらから市場性のある製品を作ります。良い例は、プラスチックで梱包されたエコレンガと枕です。これらの活動はすべて、健康的な環境をもたらすと同時に、若者に雇用をもたらすことを目的としています。

- Our donations are used to implement the projects we currently work on at that particular moment, we use our fundings to fix the damaged materials in the organization.

- we also borrow money to the women we train in entrepreneurship and products manufacturing and return it back with some profits so that we continue training others freely.

<Activity schedule for this year>

-       We are currently training women and the youths in entrepreneurship and products manufacturing so that they are able to gain the skills and the tools which will help them to innovate and create jobs for themselves and others. (March 2023-March 2024) Another cohort will start.

-       We are working with almost 30 young people to advocate for climate justice by organizing different activities which are with an aim of bringing a healthy environment. These young people collects plastics from our surroundings and make marketable products out of them; a good example is eco-bricks and pillows which are packed with plastics. All of these activities are aiming at bringing a healthy environment and at the same time bringing employments to young people. (Continous)

Representative:Gabriel Ndende Muholeza/Daiki Takemoto(竹本大起)

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