メンバー紹介④ Yuko からのメッセージを紹介します!
2024/1/28 22:59
Hello, my name is Yuko. Since I started raising my children, I have been involved in supporting foreign parents and children.
I feel the importance and enjoyment of learning about and acknowledging each other's culture, language, and religion.
■Sharing Caring Cultureとの出会いや関わり方
I moved to Yokohama during the COVID-19 pandemic, and while I was feeling anxious, I became interested in the activities of SCC, where my friend (May) is playing very actively. By meeting people from different backgrounds, I have learned a lot and I feel that both parents and children are broadening their perspectives. I enjoy thinking about what I, as a Japanese person, can do as a fellow parenting family living together in the community.
I believe that through the SCC's activities, the children will experience to feel and understand the global world closer. It is a valuable experience for children who will be responsible for the future, and we hope it will lead to a peaceful future!
We hope you take an interest in SCC's activities and support us. Thank you!
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