2022/10/3 07:39
こんにちは!私はアンドリューです。私はフリーランスのアーティスト(演劇、写真、ポッドキャスティング、編集など)で、Yokohama Theatre Groupという非営利の劇団も運営しています。横浜に20年近く住んでいて、家族もいます。https://ytg.jp と awoolner.com で私を見つけることができると思います!
Hi I'm Andrew. I'm a freelance artist (theatre, photography, podcasting, editing, etc.) who also runs a non-profit theatre company called the Yokohama Theatre Group. I've lived in Yokohama for nearly 20 years and have a family. You can find me at https://ytg.jp and awoolner.com .
■Sharing Caring Cultureとの出会いや関わり方
I first encountered SCC when I attended an info session on homeschooling early in the pandemic. I instantly joined as a member and began attending the monthly family events. I eventually became one of the official photographers of the group. I photograph the events I attend and other important events or functions, as needed. Aside from that, I have also organized an event or two myself and I was the final English proofreader for the OYACO booklet.
SCCの目標が達成させることを願っています !NPOと深く関わっている者として、SCCのような小さな団体にとって寄付金収入がいかに重要であるかを知っているからこそです。
I hope that SCC can meet its targets! As someone who is deeply involved with NPOs, I know how important donation income is to small organizations like SCC.
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